Popular domain extensions

Choose your domain from our extensive list of new gTLDs and ccTLDs

We have a wide selection of domain extensions for you to choose from. If you’re looking for a generic or a country-code domain, we have the right one for you.

Country-code and the new generic Top-level Domains (ccTLDs and gTLDs) are great alternatives to the more traditional extensions like .com and .co.uk. The TLD is the last part of a web address, often referred to as domain extensions or suffixes. When you choose a new generic or a country-specific one, you’re sharing something about yourself or your business website in the address.

Choose a country-code Top-level Domain (ccTLD)

Choose a country-code Top-level Domain (ccTLD)

The country-specific domain names (ccTLDs) are hugely popular in almost all countries, as they let visitors or web users pinpoint your location in the world at a glance. One of these domain extensions was assigned to each country using the already existing ISO-codes, so in the UK, we have .uk, in France they have .fr, in Italy they have .it, and so on.

With the availability of the popular .com and .co.uk domain names diminishing, a ccTLD is a great alternative, one where you are much more likely to secure the domain name you’re seeking for your blog or business.

The country-specific suffixes are the shortest, and in the world of domain names, less truly is more… we’re all looking for short and sweet!

Pick your Generic Top-level Domain (gTLD)

Pick your new generic Top-level Domain (new gTLD)

There are more than 1,500 new generic TLDs, with more being added all the time, and these are great if you want to add a bit of fun to your web address or if you want to share details of your profession or interest.

For instance, choose .dentist for your dental practice or .garden if you’re a green-fingered blogger, and even before someone visits your website, they have an idea of what to expect. The new generic TLDs are great for displaying your playful side too. If your webspace is all about fun and games, you could choose .fun. If you’re a ninja, the obvious choice for you is .ninja! If you’re a space enthusiast, the .space extension is surely the one. You see where we’re going with this. Go nuts, pick the new gTLD that has your name written all over it.

Find your domain name

Choose one of these or search above to see our full list of domains

Domain extension1 year price
.app£43.99 £12.00
.biz£27.99 £6.95
.co.uk£13.99 £4.99
.com£20.99 £1.99
.info£27.99 £7.99
Domain extension1 year price
.net£27.99 £8.99
.online£70.99 £3.00
.org£27.99 £7.95
.site£62.99 £4.99
.space£53.99 £3.00
.store£98.99 £3.00
.tech£106.99 £3.00
.uk£13.99 £4.99
.website£53.99 £3.00
Why buy your domain from LCN?

Why buy your domain from LCN?

When you buy a domain name from us, you’re well looked after from the get-go. Our domain registration and renewal prices are among the very best in the UK, and our buying process is so easy.

We offer the very best support:

We’re proud of our UK-based support team,who are always friendly on calls and emails. They know just about everything worth knowing about domain names and absolutely everything about our products.

We all love a freebie:

with every domain name you buy from us, we always throw in a free email address, a free 1-page website**, and free Domain Proxy. That’s everything you need to get started.

We know what we’re doing:

You can rest assured that when you choose LCN for your domain name needs, you’re in the best hands. We’ve been in this business for a really long time. In fact, we have more than 70,000 happy customers, and we manage over 450,000 domains. We’d love to welcome you to the fold too.

Frequently asked questions about our domains

  • How do I buy a domain extension?

    If you’re wondering how to buy a domain name, you’re in luck because you’re in the exact right place to do that here on LCN. Whether you’re looking for a domain extension for your business, your hobby, or for personal use, securing a short and memorable address is a great place to start, and luckily for you, it’s a simple thing to do. In fact, it’s as simple as 1-2-3:

    1. Search, and you shall find.
      Using the availability checker at the top of this page, search for the right domain name. Pick a good one, a name that describes what you do, a name that matches your business name or your actual name, or one that will work well in your branding.
    2. Choose the perfect extension.
      The last part of a domain name is the TLD; this stands for Top-level Domain. Some of the most popular TLDs are .com, .co.uk, and .uk – these will almost always work for websites and emails used in the UK. But the domain you want may not be available with those extensions, so always check out what other options you have. If your business is a tech start-up, consider .tech or .net. If your website is a personal blog about gardening, consider .blog or .garden. And if you’re looking for a domain to use for email, perhaps .email or .me will work for you.
    3. Buy your domain.
      And that’s it; all there’s left to do is complete your purchase… sorry if you were expecting the third step to be beefier!
  • What can I use my domain name for?

    Once you’ve bought your domain name (see above just how easy that is!), there are several things you can do with it.

    Use it for a website: If you need a website and know how to create one yourself, just order Web Hosting alongside your new domain name.

    If you need a website but don’t know how to build one, take a look at our Website Builder package.You can create an all-singing and all-dancing website for your business, personal online space, or blog in just a few steps.

    Use it for email: If you’ve registered a domain name to use for email, order our Email Hosting package. This gives you the option to have a great, memorable email – think me@myselfandi.online or whatever you would like.

    Don’t use it: But if you don’t need a personalised email or a website because you just wanted the domain name so nobody else could have it or because you want to use it for something at a later stage, just do nothing with it, that’s cool too.

  • What are the 5 most common domain extensions in the UK?

    The ultra-short answer to this question is this (in order of popularity): .co.uk - .com - .uk - .org.uk - .online. But where there’s an ultra-short answer, there’s usually a longer and, in this case, interesting answer, so allow us to waffle on a little.

    The .co.uk tops the list of the most used domain extensions in the UK. That probably doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone, but it might raise an eyebrow or two that it tops it with a nearly 55% share! That really shows how what we see is what we aspire to, and as the .co.uk happened to gain traction from the beginning, it has just been self-perpetuating, making it more and more popular in this country.

    Next on the list is .com, with just over 25%. This domain extension is the most popular globally, so it’s no surprise that it would be in the top 2 of this UK list. Number 3 is .uk with 12% of the total, showing us that it really does matter in this country that we share with our customers and fans where we’re from.

    Number 4 and 5 on the list, .org.uk and .online, each has just 1% of the total domain names bought in the UK.

  • What domain extensions are best?

    That depends on why you’re asking. From an SEO point of view, no domain extension is better than others, as Google web-crawlers don’t differentiate between them.

    But from a branding or business perspective, it does matter, as with the various extensions, you have a chance to show what kind of entity you are, what markets you serve, what the subject of your website is, or what business you’re in. This is where ccTLDs and new gTLDs come into their own, and when you choose the right one, it can really work for you.

  • Can I use upper-case letters in my domain name?

    Domain names are not case-sensitive, so regardless of whether your visitors type YourWebsiteName.co.uk, YOURWEBSITENAME.co.uk or yourwebsitename.co.uk, they’ll be able to reach you.

  • Why are some domain extensions more expensive than others?

    When searching for the perfect domain name using our domain search tool, you will see the list of the various domain extensions (like .com and .online), and you will no doubt have noticed that there are very different price tags on these. Some will have been free, which will be due to our promotions and offers, but what’s the reason behind the different costs of domain extensions? Let’s explore that here.

    Each of the TLDs (the last part of the domain names, like .com and .co.uk, which stands for Top-level Domain) are controlled by registries, companies that operate the running of the domain name suffixes.

    The registries charge registrars (that’s companies like us who offer domain names to businesses and individuals) an amount per domain name, and the amount they charge vary from registry to registry, and from domain to domain.

    So, the price we (the registrar) charge you (the end-user), depends on two things: 1. What the registry charges us - and the price they charge will depend on their circumstances and operational costs. 2. Whether registering the domain name requires any extra support or has specific time-consuming requirements.

* The following suffixes are on offer for £4.99  when registered for 1 year using the embedded voucher code - .CO.UK. & .UK & .ORG.UK. This offer applies to new purchases only. The following suffix is on offer for £1.99  when registered for 1 year using the embedded voucher code - .COM. The offer applies to new purchases only. These offers limit you to one £4.99  .CO.UK domain, one £4.99  .UK domain, one £4.99  .ORG.UK domain and one £1.99  .COM domain per account, in a single transaction. Any abuse of the offer, e.g. multiple redemptions, will lead to the order being cancelled and refunded. Team Blue Internet Services UK Limited t/a LCN reserve the right to refuse orders for any reason, including rejecting orders processed outside of the United Kingdom. Additionally, the following extensions will be offered at the prices shown when registered on-site for one year: .online - £3.00, .store - £3.00, .tech - £3.00, .site - £4.99, .website - £3.00, .fun - £3.00, space - £3.00, .app - £12.00, .net - £8.99, .org - £7.95, .info - £7.99, .biz - £6.95  and .uk.com - £27.99. Following the conclusion of the promotion, the domains will be charged at standard LCN rates which can be found here. For EU customers, VAT rates payable will be subject to your country of residence. Team Blue Internet Services UK Limited t/a LCN reserves the right to end, extend and or amend this offer and/or the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. All offers are for the first billing period only, do not apply to renewals, are limited to online transactions and cannot be used where free domain offers have already been redeemed. Offers cannot be used in conjunction with any others and may be withdrawn at any time at the discretion of LCN. Standard terms & conditions apply.