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How to create an email address

This guide will explain how to create a mailbox and an email address for domains hosted on LCN web hosting, WordPress hosting, Email hosting packages or using LiteMail. If you don’t have a hosting plan in place for your domain you will first need to add one to your domain or activate LiteMail. Let’s get started…  How to create a Mailbox and first email address  Before you can create an […]

Troubleshooting common PHP issues

This guide will explain how to troubleshoot some more common issues with scripting in PHP. For customers using LCN Web hosting and WordPress hosting. Turn on error reporting If you’re having problems, one of the first things may want to do is enable error reporting. Error reporting takes a lot of the guess work out […]

How to obtain email headers in webmail

Email headers contain the raw information about an email you have received. The following guide will show customers with LCN Web hosting, Email hosting, WordPress hosting or a free mailbox how to obtain this information via LCN webmail. The header will identify routing information of the message including the sender, recipient, date and subject. You will also find within […]

How to set up your email account in Mac Mail

 This guide will show you how to set up your email address on Mac Mail, for customers using LCN web hosting, WordPress hosting, Email hosting or LiteMail with an Authenticated SMTP. Before you get started, you’ll need to have your email address and password handy. If you can’t remember these details, you can check and reset them from your LCN account.  You will also need to […]

Designing a website

Sitting down to design your website can be a daunting experience, you’ve bought your domain name and hosting package, now what? You head over to google and type “designing a website”, click search and millions of results are returned from, web design agencies to step-by-step guides and web design software. You start clicking through the […]

How to backup your MYSQL database

We advise that you take regular backups of your database. Backup your MYSQL database to not only protect you from data loss, it can also protect you from accidental deletion and human error. You can take backups using your LCN backup tool as shown in our guide here, however, it is still beneficial to take […]

How to set up your email account on an Android phone

It’s great to able to access your email on the move. This guide will show you how to set up your email account on an Android phone. For customers using LCN Web hosting, WordPress hosting, Email hosting or LiteMail with an Authenticated SMTP.  Please Note: The setup of your email may vary slightly depending on the make and model of your android device. The […]

How to manage FTP accounts using VestaCP

This guide explains how to create and manage FTP accounts for domains hosted using VestaCP. This guide also including the FTP client settings required to upload files to sites hosted on your server. Please note: If you’re an LCN Web hosting or WordPress hosting customer, you can find instructions for connecting and uploading to your […]

How to Use Webmail on Your Mobile or Tablet

The LCN Webmail system has been optimised for mobile devices – the following guide explains how LCN Web Hosting, WordPress Hosting and Email Hosting customers can access and manage their mailbox from a mobile or tablet device. Let’s get started… You can login to Webmail from the link below: A row of icons is provided […]