How to disable user registration in Joomla This guide will explain how to disable user registration in the dashboard for Joomla based sites. Since Joomla version 3.4... Tagged: Web Hosting
How to backup your MYSQL database We advise that you take regular backups of your database. Backup your MYSQL database to not only protect you from... Tagged: Web Hosting
How to edit your hosts file First up, what is a hosts file? Well, put simply it’s your computer’s address book. This is used to map... Tagged: Web Hosting
Understanding HTTP Error Codes and other website errors When attempting to access a website or other online resource you might be presented with an error page in place... Tagged: Web Hosting
What is a .htaccess file? .htaccess files are configuration files that let you control how your website is accessed e.g. password protect access to content... Tagged: Web Hosting
How to restore your MYSQL database If you are looking to restore a MySQL databases from a backup, we offer a tool called phpMyAdmin which makes... Tagged: Web Hosting
How to create a subdomain This guide will show you everything you need to do to create a subdomain on LCN Web hosting or WordPress hosting package. Subdomains allow... Tagged: Web Hosting
How to add a domain to your hosting package This guide will explain how to add a domain to your LCN web hosting, WordPress hosting or email hosting. Let’s get started… Login to... Tagged: Account ManagementWeb Hosting
How to change FTP Security settings This guide will show LCN customers using Web Hosting or WordPress hosting how to change your FTP security settings. Let’s... Tagged: Web Hosting
Adding Google Analytics to your site Google Analytics is a powerful, web analytics application that records important statistics about your website such as traffic levels, bounce rates, average... Tagged: Web Hosting