How to create a Perl script Perl is a general-purpose programming language used for a wide range of tasks including web development. If you want to... Tagged: Web Hosting
Troubleshooting common PHP issues This guide will explain how to troubleshoot some more common issues with scripting in PHP. For customers using LCN Web... Tagged: Web Hosting
Designing a website Sitting down to design your website can be a daunting experience, you’ve bought your domain name and hosting package, now... Tagged: Web Hosting
How to shorten a web address using .htaccess Redirecting web addresses is a common use for .htaccess when addresses become too long or complicated. For example, if you... Tagged: Web Hosting
How to create a PHP script PHP is a general purpose scripting language that is well suited to web development and can be embedded into HTML.... Tagged: Web Hosting
How to create an email form with PHP PHP was designed for making interactive web pages and mixing functionality with HTML. Form handling in PHP is quite a... Tagged: Web Hosting
How to password protect a website folder using .htaccess To add password protection to your website you need to create a file to store usernames/passwords and add some code... Tagged: Web Hosting