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How to backup your MYSQL database

We advise that you take regular backups of your database. Backup your MYSQL database to not only protect you from data loss, it can also protect you from accidental deletion and human error.

You can take backups using your LCN backup tool as shown in our guide here, however, it is still beneficial to take a manual backup as well.

Before we start to backup your MYSQL database you are going to need your database Username, Password and Hostname. You would have chosen your Username and Password when you created the database, the hostname is included with these details in your LCN account under the MySQL section of your domain.

If you used our one-click install for WordPress you can find the relevant details from your WordPress configuration file via FTP or File Manager.

Let’s Get started…

  1. Go to (replace with your actual domain name).
  2. Log in to phpMyAdmin with your Database Username and Password, choose the correct Hostname from the Server Choice dropdown.
  3. Select Databases and choose your database e.g. domain_com_db
  4. Click Export and click Go.
  5. You’ll be asked to Download the file and Save it to a location on your machine.

That’s it! You have now backed up your database.

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