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How to create a Mail group

This guide will explain how to create a mail group for domains hosted on LCN web hostingWordPress hostingEmail hosting packages or using LiteMail.

Mail groups will allow you to have an email address that then directs to a specific group. For example, you could create a mail group for the address and any emails sent to this address will forward on to all the emails and mailboxes of your support team.

Let’s get started…

  1. Log in to your LCN Account and head to your Control Panel
  2. Click on the domain you would like to have a mail group for.
  3. Click on Manage Email.
  4. Next click on Add mail group
  5. Enter the Group name of your mail group. This will be so you can identify the purpose of this group. For example, Support Team or All Staff.
  6. For Group Address enter the email you would like for this group. You will only need to enter the part before the @ symbol.
  7.  Under Recipients, you can now enter the emails and mailboxes you wish to receive the emails sent to this address. Enter these into separate lines.

Please Note: A mail group will have a limit of 100 addresses and mailboxes that can be added.

That’s it! You have now created a mail group.

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