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Configuring a hosting package on Cloud server using Vesta

This guide will explain how to configure specifications/resources allocated for domains added to Vesta control panel.

You can create additional user accounts with access the Vesta control panel – this will allow users to add and manage domains within the control panel. The steps below will indicate how to add additional user accounts and limit the resources allocated to user accounts by configuring and applying a package to the account.

Creating a user account is not required as you can add domains to the server using the default ‘admin’ user and using the default packages if you prefer:

Creating control panel users in Vesta

  1. First, log in to the control panel
  2. Select the ‘User’ tab from the Vesta menu.
  3. Select the plus icon to add a new user to the control panel
  4. Complete the following fields to add a user account to Vesta:

Username: Enter a username for the control panel account
Password: Enter a password, or select ‘generate’.
Email: Enter an email address for the user account.
Package: Select the package (resources) to allocate to this user account.
Language: Select the panel language for the user account
First Name: Enter first-name for the user account.
Last Name: Enter last-name for the user account
Send login credentials to email address: Enter to send the user account details to an email address.

Configuring Packages in Vesta

  1. First, log in to the control panel
  2. Select the link for ‘Packages’ from the menu bar in the control panel
  3. Select the plus icon to create a new package, or select edit alongside an existing package to change the hosting specifications,
  4. You can then enter a package name and customise the specifications for any users added to the control panel and assigned to this package.

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