5 YouTube Videos Every Business Needs

movie projector

Every business should have a YouTube channel, but many businesses either don’t know where to start or feel that their business isn’t very well suited for video.

Many business owners find themselves wondering “what kind of videos could I possibly make for this?” Just because your business isn’t camera friendly doesn’t mean that it needs to miss out on the exposure potential of YouTube.

There are some videos that every single business can (and should) create, and from there you may even come up with more video ideas that are perfect for your model. To start you off, here are the five YouTube videos every business needs.

Related: How to stand out when video marketing


  1. Introduction / Promo

It’s a no-brainer that the first video on your company’s YouTube channel should be an introduction to your business and what it offers.

Many call this the promo video, as it is meant to quickly show and explain what your business offers in an engaging way.

Think about the way you want your company to be represented before jumping in. It’s okay in this video to get a little more of a “commercial” feel than usual, but don’t try to go for hard sell just yet.

Below is a great example of an introduction video, from a company you’d expect to get it right. Reel SEO, a video marketing website.


mark robertson reel seo introduction


  1. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

You’ve received many questions about your business, so you probably have a FAQ section on your website.

However, it is more effective to create an FAQ video that you can direct customers to, because they get the feeling of having their questions answered by a real person. It will also save on time and money spent for your company.

Try to do something more creative than a recorded PowerPoint for this – an actual person addressing the camera works best.


  1. Testimonials

Hopefully your business has received some positive reviews and testimonials (if not, you may want to address that before going online).

Rather than a printed paragraph next to a static photo, why not ask a few happy customers to record their testimonials for you?

Most visitors or potential customers do not read testimonials, and ROI on recorded video testimonials has been shown to be much higher.

You can either set up a professional video shoot for this, or have customers record their own videos and then you can edit them together into one video. If you have trouble getting video testimonials, offer freebies or discounts for those who submit videos.

Some businesses even choose to run contests where the “best” videos get prizes such as a free year subscription or valuable goodie bag.

Marketing Automation developers Marketo produced a slick customer testimonial video that really focuses on the information potential customers want to hear…



  1. How-To

Even if you feel like your product is self-explanatory, or you offer a service rather than a product, a how-to video is a very good idea.

You can not only explain the basics of how to use the product/service, but also provide ideas on how and when to use it that customers might not think of themselves.

For example, a virtual assistant company can talk about the unexpected ways an assistant can help with every business task, or a knife company can show clever ways to peel garlic or chop onions.

Think about ways that you can create a unique video that offers value to your customers.

Moz, one of the best online marketing resources on the web, created a great introduction to one of their latest products called Moz Local.



  1. CEO / Team Welcome

Aside from the more commercial business introduction video, every business should also have a more personal team or CEO welcome video. In this type of video, the CEO and / or team members in the business are taped welcoming new customers and explaining a little bit about themselves and the company.

While the promotional video explains what the company does, this video is intended to show who the company is in a more personal manner.

In the age of social media, it is vital that companies connect with their audience on a human level, and these types of videos help to start that process.

Related: How to take advantage of the surge in mobile video traffic


Don’t Stop There!

These videos will help introduce and establish your business on YouTube, but you don’t need to stop there.

While creating these videos, you may come up with ideas for other videos (perhaps a whole team-intro series, product recommendation videos, etc.)

[Tweet “YouTube is a great alternative traffic source and an excellent way to humanise your brand”]

If not, customers now have a platform to comment and send you ideas for future videos, and you now have a new way of getting your company’s name out to a wider audience.

It’s time to get started!


Your Say!

Does your business / website have a YouTube channel? If so, what was the first video you uploaded? As a consumer what do you look for on a company YouTube channel?

As always, give us a shout in comments below!

Written by

Nathan Preedy

Nathan has been with team.blue since 2005 and has a background in Technical Support. He is passionate about helping customers find the best product for them and use it to its full potential.